Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Fast Times, Church and Energy God Part One

Well I have not written much on this blog lately , because I have been blessed with a few writing jobs and a Portrait Studio I work out of now, so be it. God is number 1 in my life and let me tell you about a few miracles. Miracles happen!! They just flop right in your face and sometimes you don't really recognize them until you sit down and take a breather, but in reality with the world in such a mess, my life could not be better, Yes I have my days and they are ok, I make it through them. With the help of God and trusting in him I have been given , even handed several writing assignments that have kept food on the table and rent paid . I then was discovered by a studio in my little town and asked to be a portrait photographer. So I said what the heck , yeah Ill take it.
 Fast times , Church and energy is what life is all about. You can't really complete one without the other. I don't even know if anyone reads this blog and , hope it helps someof you who do not believe in God. That was the point to this blog in the first place was to give back what was given to me.
 I am at a point in my life where everything seems to be flourishing. Work that I have to turn down , because I am tooo busy and really don't even have the time to keep this sight up, though I like it. It has some popularity with it, and why not, the name says it all.

Have I made it to church yet, No , I have not , but God and I have a conversation every morning and I ask for him to let me live his will for me for this day every day and thank him for being with me. Its that simple, and then is it. You also have to sacrifice some things to be in the position I am in. One is your ego , and the other is all the negative in my life.
For instance I do not drink, smoke, or cuss, I try not too  atleast, because it seems so childish. I have improved myself with reading books on persuasive speaking as well. The more positive you appear in person the more popular you will be to not only yourself but to employers and to your co-workers. It is funny how things tend to just fall into place if your willing to let go and let God take them over. I was so controlling most of my life and knew where I was headed eveery step of the way.
 I am not in control of my self, God reacts I react to him.It is a trued miracle indeed and I was the last one to really believe this at first. I have met a Russian Girl online, I know all the sscams , yet this one is for real, so far. And I plan to visit her in Russia and if she is the one , I will spend the needed money to bring her home and marry her. I kknow sounds kind of quick. Well life is too short and she is so beautiful in looks and inside her, that I know I could fall in love with a women like her. Why a Russian? Well here is my answer, there are a lot of good women in America yet most I have met seem to not believe in anything but material possesions or that they do not make enough money, well we all feell like this at one point in our lives or another, yet there are too many self-sufficient women in america that do not need a man. A good man is not hard to get , you just look beyond the scope of the normal as bars, clubs, social events. I want a women that will depend on me, not her job. That is how it use to be in the 60s and the family unit was very much closer and tighter. Since the revolution and deadbeat men have eveolved in the United States , its hard not to find a single women with 4 kids in the place I live at. I dont need that many children to feel loved, nor could I afford to take care of them right. If you are one of those ladies I am not coming down on you, but baby making and money have to go hand in hand, if you can afford the children have them. I see too many babies walking around and no mother in sight.
 Its a major trajedy if you ask me. I wish you all the best of loook and look for more articles on Fast times , Chrurch , and Energy, God Part One  for more because there is never ending chapters to our lives.