Monday, October 17, 2011

Three Steps To Proposing Marriage To Your Girlfriend

Three Steps To Proposing Marriage To Your Girlfriend , This is a article for hubpages that I thought would work out fine here with Fast TImes, CHurch and Energy. I have not posted in a while , and it's because of a job loss, so I am back to writing again. Please look for more articles coming soon to here and my other blogs. This is an informative article about asking your girlfriend to marry you . We forget the experiece and how this has imprinted in our brains as a happy time for most. I hoipe you enjoy this.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What To Do When The Big Storms Come?

What To Do When The Big Storms Come?

I wrote this article for the sake of living with God's fate and how
we possibly need to stop blaming others for our own problems. We tend to hate government for their words they say, but the words are like rumors, its hard to believe who is saying what and whom to believe. I hope you enjoy this article about Storms , little ones, and large ones. Maybe your living in one right now, and maybe that is what life is about living through little storms and breaking out through them. I hope you enjoy this hubpage article.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Gold, Silver, Platinum, and Water, How Do I Invest?

Gold, Silver, Platinum, and Water, How Do I Invest?

This is an article I posted on another site that suggest that where I live in Western Texas that water is as important as gold is to maybe someone in another state or even my own.
I have not posted here in a while yet the eveils of greed are very appearant in my thinking of what is going on during this period of our lives. Please read and see for yourself how things are shaping up for us all in the future. Have a blessed day

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Fast Times, Church and Energy God Part One

Well I have not written much on this blog lately , because I have been blessed with a few writing jobs and a Portrait Studio I work out of now, so be it. God is number 1 in my life and let me tell you about a few miracles. Miracles happen!! They just flop right in your face and sometimes you don't really recognize them until you sit down and take a breather, but in reality with the world in such a mess, my life could not be better, Yes I have my days and they are ok, I make it through them. With the help of God and trusting in him I have been given , even handed several writing assignments that have kept food on the table and rent paid . I then was discovered by a studio in my little town and asked to be a portrait photographer. So I said what the heck , yeah Ill take it.
 Fast times , Church and energy is what life is all about. You can't really complete one without the other. I don't even know if anyone reads this blog and , hope it helps someof you who do not believe in God. That was the point to this blog in the first place was to give back what was given to me.
 I am at a point in my life where everything seems to be flourishing. Work that I have to turn down , because I am tooo busy and really don't even have the time to keep this sight up, though I like it. It has some popularity with it, and why not, the name says it all.

Have I made it to church yet, No , I have not , but God and I have a conversation every morning and I ask for him to let me live his will for me for this day every day and thank him for being with me. Its that simple, and then is it. You also have to sacrifice some things to be in the position I am in. One is your ego , and the other is all the negative in my life.
For instance I do not drink, smoke, or cuss, I try not too  atleast, because it seems so childish. I have improved myself with reading books on persuasive speaking as well. The more positive you appear in person the more popular you will be to not only yourself but to employers and to your co-workers. It is funny how things tend to just fall into place if your willing to let go and let God take them over. I was so controlling most of my life and knew where I was headed eveery step of the way.
 I am not in control of my self, God reacts I react to him.It is a trued miracle indeed and I was the last one to really believe this at first. I have met a Russian Girl online, I know all the sscams , yet this one is for real, so far. And I plan to visit her in Russia and if she is the one , I will spend the needed money to bring her home and marry her. I kknow sounds kind of quick. Well life is too short and she is so beautiful in looks and inside her, that I know I could fall in love with a women like her. Why a Russian? Well here is my answer, there are a lot of good women in America yet most I have met seem to not believe in anything but material possesions or that they do not make enough money, well we all feell like this at one point in our lives or another, yet there are too many self-sufficient women in america that do not need a man. A good man is not hard to get , you just look beyond the scope of the normal as bars, clubs, social events. I want a women that will depend on me, not her job. That is how it use to be in the 60s and the family unit was very much closer and tighter. Since the revolution and deadbeat men have eveolved in the United States , its hard not to find a single women with 4 kids in the place I live at. I dont need that many children to feel loved, nor could I afford to take care of them right. If you are one of those ladies I am not coming down on you, but baby making and money have to go hand in hand, if you can afford the children have them. I see too many babies walking around and no mother in sight.
 Its a major trajedy if you ask me. I wish you all the best of loook and look for more articles on Fast times , Chrurch , and Energy, God Part One  for more because there is never ending chapters to our lives.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

he Fantasy Dream Of Sarah

he Fantasy Dream Of Sarah We all have out ideas of what heaven may be like and in the article to the left , is my little fantasy of what I would like to call heaven's outlook. Its quite pleasant and I think you can understand where I am coming from. This easter is today and this is maybe why I came up with such a story. I never know really why I come up with some things, I guess its normal to want to put into words how I feel at any given moment. Take time to read about Sarah and her journey into heaven. Its my way of looking at life in a good sense of the word of death. There is eternal bliss and life when we die, if a christian. I have done many non-christian things and ask for forgiveness. Maybee you can feel the presence in this article I wrote. Have a great day. Christopher Hyer4.2011

Monday, March 28, 2011

Between God and Men

Between God and Men This article I wanted to share with my friends on my blogger account, This was written on 3.27.2011 and put on goes to explain the relationship between God and Men, and women. How we come to believe in a power greater than us and how to understand God is totally up to each individual. I am not a preacher, but a teacher of the spirit of the word and I love God with all my heart and try to do his will , not mine. In these times , its easy for the human to manifest a no relation ship with God and to wonder if there is a trues GOd. I am here to tell you Yes he is aware of your surroundings and mine, and even when questionable times are upon us, Must we realy upon his faith , Most definantly and even more in these times. I am a life Coach, and your free session is ready for one full hour , you just go to the site and sign up your email then you will recieve two emails back fill out one of them and return the other to my email, and I will coach you for one hour free. Go there while I have the free offer. Hope to hear from you. Christopher Hyer 3.28.2011

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dust In the WInd

Dust In the WInd , SOmetimes life gets going so fast we pass by what is realy beautiful and God fearing, such as Ducks , Yes Ducks Have you ever taken time to watch these little ducklings follow their Mother duck and then get blown away by a wind tunnel, well I saw sucha Podcast aand though I might have laughed a little it made me think about God and his many creatures of love in this world . God is around us ,and we are taught and preached so many different things from the same book the Bible, that it can be confusing to us, or to me. I think God touched me with this article and I believe you will enjoy the funny parts in this and how I relate it to Mother hood, I guess Mother's Day is coming up , So remeber your mother because no matter how good or bad you have been in your life , She will love you till Death do you apart, Thats a God given thing, that can not change, no matter how one looks at life. Have a good day.
Christopher Hyer 3.23.2011

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Funny Thing This World of Ours

Funny Thing This World of Ours This world is amazing and the times with Japans' Crisis , our hearts go out to these people and maybe even home struck, Lets hope not, but in all honesty , it will affect us, in one way or another, through time,whether from food or very sick people that will endure a culture unknown to us. IS this Biblical in portions , Possibly, and if you are a Christian as I am , we all knew this time in out lives is a time to rejoice in the power of the Lord and to take care of all of us. The world has escalated to ten fold in the last year , from politcal parties in disagreemetn, to the new Muslem population coming from out of the closets,and more power to the people , what ever they beilieve in is their choice , that is what made America Great and I hope it stays Great!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

God The Almighty and Being Blind , with energy and Church

On Being Blind for a day,,You don't stop in this world because of being born blind or having any other disability , you learn to live with it and srounf it. I think that being blind is an asset in a fashion, you may see things I  do not see, the colors may be vivid in your brain as being blind , I wonder what God had in mind for you that made you so special, that your a precious human with an attribute to our society.Being blind hit me the other day, What would it be like How would I react. I had a bad car accident in my Corvette in San Antonio and lost my vision for about 5 minutes, thinking I might be dead, I remember asking God at that time ,God "Am I Dead" He never spoke back or did he, my eyes opened and I was looking at some of the prettiest green grass, stuck in this tiny car waiting for AMS to show up 45 minutes later, and just thinking how did I live through such an accident, Have you ever lost your sight for a moment or two, or have you lost site , and your on a special computer that I have no idea of how to run. The times have changed for the better when people with abilities can do the amazing as the blind in the article I wrote above will explain. I hope you have a great day and I will be back for more food for thought. Christopher Hyer 3.1.2011 , oh and I do have a website to land on now, that shows who I am what I do, some may not like the Pick Up Artist, yet take  it as it is, Here is the URL to this home page , this tells a bit of who I am , and want to be when I get older, haha This may be of interest to you!

Friday, February 25, 2011

God and Church , Get Rich Quick, Lose It Also

Is Riches what you want more Information here , I have had all the riches that anyone could want as far as money is concerned , and I was never rally happy, I didn't get fully  wealthy until , I was broke cash wise and then I had to really work, but with God's power and his knowledge I have been able to keep up with my expenses and live a so-called above normal life, not a rich life, but an I 'm ok with what I have in possession type of lifestyle, Have you reached your rich point, I mean is money bigger than your best friend. You have to have human interaction in this world to feel good,and I think having too much of anything ids not good, too much money indeed can be more of a hindrance as having too little, yet if you have the spirit of the lord on your side , you will be comfortably OK. He will not let you be without, and that means emotions, money, and friends and lovers.The Link above is an article I  wrote about how I grew up and is quite real and interesting to me, after I wrote it. I now know I am where I am suppose to be in God's Kingdom. That's what really matters.
Christopher Hyer 2.25.2011

Friday, February 11, 2011

Click Here! You Know we all have a special friend or I hope you do as I. I use to live in Corpus Christi , Texas , up until 2 years ago, I had a friend 40 years my senior, He is 88 now, and lives in the Hill Country now, as he had to move due to his family not wanting him to stay by himself, there is nothing wrong with him mentally or physically. He Drives a new Truck, and walks with the style of Frank Sinatra, and smiles a mile wide, His name is Harry. Church, Energy and Harry , a very stunning influence on my spiritual life with God and human beings being human. He says," When you got the condition you live with it", in referring to his many illnesses and his hospital stays from years of hard work and giving to the lord

;I was not going to write about my friend, Harry, he and I just got off the phone, nothing was clicking with me today , and to talk to  this man who has the spirit of the Lord all around and inside him, just makes me feel good. Call me selfish , I am, he makes me laugh like no other human has ever, he will give you his left foot if you need it , yet you better have a darn good reason for wanting it. He is so funny with his words, never Drank but once in his life and that was Tequila when he was a man of 19 , I think he said, he said he did,t get drunk , but felt mighty bad that he had let God down. Now isn't that something, he did not mention the pain he must of felt or did he just mention it, the hangover, was letting God down possibly, he will not elaborate nor would you want him too. He is feisty and kind, as a Bear when he need to be, and as kind as a child , innocent in nature and towards  those who are hateful. To be a man like Harry is my goal in life, and I tend to forget this. Do you have a Harry in your life, if not maybe, the Church is where you find these fellows, I am not sure I met him on the beach, and our friendship has lasted for over 9 years, and he is only getting better, and God Bless Harry. Have a safe weekend, and find a bit of Harry somewhere in someone. You will live happier. Christopher 2.11.2011 Please Click the ads I need the money. Thank You

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Chrurch , Energy and the Allmighty GOD!!

For a living I am a Full time marketer now, and I hav had my calling, and I am going to present to the world something spectacular, and morally right in my mind and God's. I feel good about it, Be on the Lookout in the next week on this page for what I am to do, It will be a broadcast based solely on Life and God and Clean taste, there will be some sin , there will be no goverment articles, just plain living in the now, Broadcast from a new website I have decided to do for profit of course and if I make enough money ,Part will be donated to a church of my choice, a small church , no matter what religion, Yet must be a Christian. Thast ought to throw some of you around. A Christian Broadcast Blog with video and Daily good words, for everyone, and my ugly mug talking and showing you my life as it is now. I think the project is well needed and with video blogging, people can ease thier eyes and focus on the words I say, which may get me in trouble, I will anounce how things are shaping up, I get the server and page today , I will announce in a day or two. Thanks For coming to this page and this one will stay up as well. God Bless You, and he has. Me!! By the way look to the right of this page and you will see how I make money part of it, Writing articles .. Check it out its free, and yet if it works out for you , Buy into it, I have and I am not making a thing yet, but it;s building. It will work if you work it!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Church Finder in my energy to find Worship

I noticed its beeen a while since I have posted to the Church Blog , so has it since I have said thak you to GOD today for a fine life that keeps me away from his house of worship. The Church Finder, means I have not been looking for a local church to go to , and I miss the church in Corpus Christi, Texas , BAF or Bay area fellowship, I am in my late 40s, ok 47 almost 29 I think and Christian churches are all around me. I am not too good for chuech by no means and I do think that a church is good yet I worship GOD daily and every morning and evening that passes I thank him for the day I was given, and that is what I think GOD really wants is us to tell him our sins during that day even if we mean't to do them at the time, it makes you reflect on the day and possibly I will stop doing them, and usually I do. The new Life church is in my life, I call it that because I am in a new life, I am writing more now than ever because that is what I want to be when I grow up!lol , I am becoming a blogger, I hope that's not too much of a sin, yet in a manner it could be I blog about good things, though to help people, and if its to find GOD , I can't think of a better subject to write about. We all have out interpretations, yet that is where I have a problem with church is how a Minister may interpret the Good Book and is he right, does he really know hebrew and translation. I know the words are good in this Best seller book, yet I know what is written is by a translator, and this is good because I do not understand another language to read in Hebrew or whatever the Bible was written in. I care about the contents of the bible and if I am living right I know , If I am living wrong, I know this ass well, That is sin, to me, Doing something you know in your heeart is wrong, and doing it. I ask for his acceptance to make it in this world as a father and a good human being and he has ansered in many ways, some I do not like, yet the outcome is always positive even if it seems negative.
 The Church Finder is me, the looker of people whom will not dominate me with thier words on Sunday yet praise each other for living a good clean life. I have found my Church in myself, yet worship is included in this Bible , so I will set out  next Sunday and write about my experience. To all Happy Valentines and Love each other . as you would love yourselves.Christopher Hyer2.8.2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Church and Energy

Church is a place where you go on Sunday to do what? well , I go there to see all the dressed up people in their new outfits and worship God. I don't attend church as much as I don't want to lately and it's because of the issue I have with myself, nothing else. I use to go every week and went to Bay Area Fellowship in Corpus Christi, Texas, Now that is one heck of a church. It is the size of a football field allmost, brand spanking new, as of 6 years ago , I think, and it does not look like a church from the inside of it. It looks like a disney world, and this is for the kids, I say go with it, if it brings the kids, the parents might come also. I had the energy to show up and watch the young Pastor Bill Cornelious, and what an energizer he is and was,what a store of how he made it from a apartment room to worship to this grat big colliseum, and he is for real, not a fake christian, this man belives in gettting the word out of the bible, by not his ideas or conceptions, He makes you think, Do I wnat to be here, and yes I did every week.
 Enery greets frustration with early morning wake ups on Sunday's so I atteneded the Saturday night services, and miss these actualy, Now there is a thing about some of these new churches ,and it is that no one dresses up hardly anymore, and that to me shows sdisrespect for the church itself, not God, but then mayne a bit in that direction. I remeber when I use to have to dress up to go on an airplane, now you want to dress down because of all the security and the like. There are many reasons to not attend church just as many reasons to not attend church, whether its you belief's in Latter Day Saints or Catholics, I think we all still know there is only one person whom smiles upon this and this is God. He makes us whine , and mess around so we can fight the devil from going to church and ultimatly we have to make outrown choice when we grow up. I like how the churches fill up on Christmas and the other major holidays, Do these people think that if they do not show up that all hell is going to brak out. I wonder, I miss these services,, because of the noise levels, and the traffic reasons, Now I am making an excuse. This site is for fun as God wants us to have fun with church and he wants us to lok in the mirror and laugh at ourselves, as I do everyday. I will post some fun things about church in general, and may get deeper, as did you know how many South Koreans are Babtist now, What does that tell you, no worship to false god's anymore I hope. Yet when one is brought up a Catholic or a Judas Priest, whatever, one usually stays that way ,and why? Well I will answer that on my next post. Have fun. 1.25.2011

Monday, January 24, 2011

Christopher-Hyer who is this man

Blogging to begin soon, please wait one to two days. Thank You